Hi, my name is Artem. I'm a software engineer with focus on web and frontend. I'm interested in design systems, product design and automations. I usually work with React and Typescript.
You can contact me on Mastodon
Web based RSS reader, focused on privacy and respect of user's time.
Little iOS application with guides, ratio calculator and timers for brewing filter coffee at home.
Pomodoro timer for iOS with focus on simplicity and privacy.
Good overview on how to build reliable and scalable systems. A lot of insights about distributed systems, databases and data processing.
This book explains how we read, write and think about code from brain perspective. Bunch of useful practical methods to improve core coding skills.
A lot of useful tips and tricks for writing better TypeScript code. Especially useful for migration projects from legacy JS codebase.
Good and abstract introduction into monitoring and observability. Ideas around how to build reliable systems and how to monitor them.